xkcd python comic

me setting up Python… except also include Python from Microsoft Store, wsl, Chocolatey, and MSYS2.

I make a mess when setting up Windows for writing code. I’ve always felt like developing on Windows is a pain, but I think I have decided the best setup: MSYS2.

What I want

  • Unix tools: bash shell, cat, grep, less… etc.
  • Package manager
  • Speed


I think I stumbled upon this first when setting up c++ on vscode. If you’ve installed git on Windows, that is based on MSYS2.

It’s a bit confusing with the different environments, but I think it’s mostly for c and c++ development. I’m sticking with mingw right now. To install stuff you have to prefix it with the environment which is kind of annoying.

Other benefits:

  • Converts path to Windows path (which can backfire, like when I used adb to access Android device)
  • Pacman, the package manager straight from Arch Linux.
  • Native software which is faster(?)
  • Linux environment, super similar to wsl (or I might lack the knowledge to tell the difference)

Other than that I’m too lazy to write a guide so you can just read the docs.


Home directory

Modify /etc/nsswitch.conf to get Windows home directory.

# Begin /etc/nsswitch.conf

passwd: files db
group: files db

db_enum: cache builtin

db_home: env windows cygwin desc
db_shell: env windows cygwin desc
db_gecos: env cygwin desc

# End /etc/nsswitch.conf

You can read more in the cygwin documentation, which is what MSYS2 is based on.


Need testing but I blame Windows terminal. Use the terminal bundled with MSYS2 or something else.

Other options

The MSYS2 has a good comparison: https://www.msys2.org/docs/what-is-msys2/


I used to love wsl. Then I ran Linux and I don’t like wsl anymore. I just do everything on Windows as instructed on the documentation of whatever I’m working on. I’m pretty sure wsl is just slow. I think wsl 2 improved the performance, but file between host and wsl is slower.

And it just feels wrong. I’d prefer to just use Linux on Linux and Windows on Windows.


I think I might run this along side MSYS2. (More packages + better Windows integration)

Git bash

This is actually just repackaged MSYS2


  • Benchmark. After testing I can change the title to “Faster than wsl”

  • Develop my dot files

  • sed ‘/log/’ vs fd -exec sed ‘/log/’

  • adb

  • ripgrep:

  • unix: no lookahead

  • Win: bad path