First two weeks of college :D


In elementry school people say middle school will be hard. In middle school people say high school will be hard. In high school people say AP will be hard. And now everyone’s saying college is going to be hard.

First week has bee fine, but I’ll see soon…


Good class, good lecture, very over populated. Will be easy for me though since I have no life and stare at computers some experience.

The ed (forum) for this class gives the option to run codes. On the self introduction page, I wrote some bash script (pacman -Ql) and lua. Probably going to have no friends now.

The class Discord is fun too. A couple others and I started conversation about Linux and it filled half of the chat, and it’s amazing! There’s a freshman that also do USACO and they are taking CS61B :O.


So $\ p \implies q \equiv \neg p \lor q $. Very cool!

And I will learn LaTex which is exciting. I’ve heard that this course is hard though, so hopefully I’ll survive.

History 30

Probably the course that require the most effort. Humanity course, require a decent amount of reading and 300 word thing every week.


Google Calendar is great. Pro tip: use to export Calendars. For contacts, I’m switching to google contacts to. Meeting a bunch of people and without contacts I’ll just have people on instagrams that gets forgotten. Iphone contacts has integration which is great.


  • Lost my keys
  • Using SMS text messaging


github with ssh stopped working and idk how to fix, so I change remote with git remote and used personal access token and store it in plain text.

[EDIT] Apparently ssh is blocked on the guest wifi here. Wasted so much time :(