CS161 Project 2

I was super into this project and ended up getting full credit! It’s 12 am and I can’t sleep, so I thought I’ll try to reflect on this project a bit, both for myself but also maybe it will help someone. And I may just be trying brag a bit so if any recruiter sees this, please hire me. Basically, 161 is the Berkeley computer security and my favorite class so far....

March 14, 2024

Internet fun

Some fun sites I found while exploring the internet https://www.bullshitgenerator.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Google_Easter_eggs http://weavesilk.com/ https://www.linerider.com/ May or may not update with my bookmarks

June 28, 2023

Unix in Windows (not wsl)

me setting up Python… except also include Python from Microsoft Store, wsl, Chocolatey, and MSYS2. I make a mess when setting up Windows for writing code. I’ve always felt like developing on Windows is a pain, but I think I have decided the best setup: MSYS2. What I want Unix tools: bash shell, cat, grep, less… etc. Package manager Speed MSYS2 I think I stumbled upon this first when setting up c++ on vscode....

June 19, 2023

Setting up Unity with Linux and Neovim

Unity UI scale Unity UI was too small at first. I think this has something to do with dpi and screen resolution. A lot of information on https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/HiDPI. Adding desktop entry at: ~/.local/share/applications/unity-launch.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=Unity Exec=GDK_SCALE=2 GDK_DPI_SCALE=0.5 /home/connorcc/Unity/Hub/Editor/2021.3.3f1/Editor/Unity Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=unityhub Comment=Unity, with scaling env Categories=Development; Setting up vscode first Error message tells us to use the following setting: "omnisharp.useModernNet": false. Otherwise everything seems to work out of the box....

September 17, 2022

2022-8-27 College

First two weeks of college :D Courses In elementry school people say middle school will be hard. In middle school people say high school will be hard. In high school people say AP will be hard. And now everyone’s saying college is going to be hard. First week has bee fine, but I’ll see soon… CS61A Good class, good lecture, very over populated. Will be easy for me though since I have no life and stare at computers some experience....

August 27, 2022

Installing Linux

Got a new laptop, ASUS Zephrus G15, for college, and first thing to do is to install linux :D Distribution I’ve used linux mint for a while and it’s really good, but debians packages are just not up to date enough for me and ppa are annoying to manage. Then I tried manjaro, and it was great! However I’ve heard from the street that manjaro is bad so I guess it’s time to install arch...

August 17, 2022

Package Managers: Getting Softwares on Linux (and MacOS / Windows)

A week ago I was installing homebrew on my friend’s computer and she had no idea what I was doing (not that I actually know what I’m doing), so I think it’s a good time to write a guide. A package manager or package-management system is a collection of software tools that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs for a computer in a consistent manner....

April 10, 2022

Hello World (again?)

Hello! Blogging / Website / Portfolio What is this place? I have no idea, but take a look! Some Ideas: Write tutorials Take notes Personal wiki Showoff Testing int main() { return 0; } Math Some equations: $$ \sum_{i=0}^ni=\frac{n*(n+1)}2 $$ Title Subtitle headings headings headings headings strike through aaa bbb frperg zrffntr… pbatengf! aa aaa About my last blog It was a mess. I basically wrote a bunch of rant 2:00 am stress out....

March 26, 2022